Adventure Ted Program
Adventure Ted is a superhero teddy bear who helps people overcome challenges by taking them on exciting journeys. Founded in 2019, The Adventure Ted Program is a Wish Grant platform where Ted and people who have overcome their challenges work together to create exciting adventures for people who need them. Those who overcome their challenges and go on to pay it forward by helping others overcome challenges are called Adventurers. Adventurers are part of Ted’s superhero force to help people see the adventure in all they do. Adventure Ted is the official spokes-bear of the Childhood Cancer Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping families struggling with pediatric cancer.
Anyone can become an Adventurer. Including, but not limited to:
- Pediatric cancer warriors
- Children with hematological disorders
- Children with illnesses
- Healthy children
- Children who want to help other children
Those who are interested in becoming Adventurers may fill out the Adventurer Application on our Instagram bio and follow @AdventureTed.official on Instagram.